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Pledging Education Process

Pledge Education Period

For those unfamiliar, a Pledge Education Period is the period of time after receiving a Bid Card before being a fully initiated member of a fraternity. For most fraternities at Western this period lasts up to a few months, varying fraternity to fraternity and year to year. Think of it as a probationary period, where a fraternity and a Prospective New Member (PNM) may acquaint themselves more intimately, to be really sure its a good fit. After all, a fraternity is more than just four years; it's for life.

Pledge Education Process

Kappa Sigma's Pledge Education Process is an essential part on the road to becoming a full member of Kappa Sigma with all the rights and privileges that offers. Throughout this process, prospective members acquaint themselves with the history and traditions of our prestigious fraternity, as well as the values we pride in ourselves and propagate into the world.

While participating in our education process, Pledges attend weekly meetings to bond with their Pledge Brothers, and to learn more about the Western Greek System, Kappa Sigma, and themselves as men. Weekly topics include our Heritage, Western Greek Life, how to be a gentleman, responsibility, how to succeed, the songs of Kappa Sigma, and much more. In addition, we partner with educators and advocates from the London community to deliver workshops to help address the critical issues of alcohol awareness, sexual assault, and hazing for incoming fraternity members.

Pledging Eligibility

Locally, the Xi-Nu chapter requires PNMs to be actively enrolled students at Western University, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, and are ready to embody the qualities of our Four Pillars, Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship and Service.

What else should I know before Rushing and Pledging?


Financial Requirement

During the pledge period, there are two necessary fees that must be paid to the Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia.

1. $45 pledging fee – one time fee due prior to the pledging ceremony
2. $150 initiation fee – one time fee due prior to the initiation ceremony

All other fees and dues are determined by the local chapter, consistent with chapter operations, general liability insurance rates, undergraduate dues, and conference fees. Never should a student be pledged or initiated into Kappa Sigma without the above fees being paid prior to the ceremony.

Scholarship Requirement

The minimum GPA for pledging and initiation is determined by the chapter and the host institution. All scholarship questions can be directed to the Scholarship Chairman of the chapter.

Big Brothers

As a Pledge of Kappa Sigma, you will be assigned a 'Big Brother' within the fraternity, to act as a guide and mentor throughout the probationary period. A Big Brother is your direct line to the fraternity, and the bond between Big Brother and Little Brother is one that will hold well beyond your years at Western. A Big Brother is a confidant, a friend, a study partner, a teammate, and a life coach.

Time Commitment

Kappa Sigma's Pledge education process consists of one 1.5-hour meeting on Sunday evenings. This meeting is mandatory, so that a Pledge has the opportunity to learn more about the Fraternity and to get to know his Pledge Class Brothers and the Active Chapter better. Outside of this, there are a multitude of events you may choose to attend, including Social Exchanges with sororities, parties, weekly study sessions, philanthropic events, sports leagues, and more. While not required, these optional parts form a core part of the Kappa Sigma experience, and Pledges are strongly encouraged to enrich their experience and attend. A fraternity like Kappa Sigma embodies the concept "you get out what you put in" insofar as the more involved you are, the better your experience.

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